Decision Guides Help Patients Make Informed Decisions
by Ellen Hickey
Program Director
Coalition for Compassionate Care of California

As a healthcare professional, having a conversation about goals of care and life-sustaining treatments with seriously ill patients and their loved ones can be difficult. The Coalition for Compassionate Care of California (CCCC) has developed a new set of Decision Guides that explains complex topics associated with these difficult conversations using consumer-friendly language with evidence-based information. Topics include artificial hydration, CPR, mechanical ventilation, and tube feeding.

The Guides were developed with the help and guidance of healthcare professionals, and reflect the latest research on these interventions. View samples at the CCCC website – The Guides are available in packets of 25 through CCCC’s online store ($9.75 for CCCC members, $12.75 for non-members). Bulk discounts are also available.

Decision Guides will be available in Spanish and Chinese in the coming weeks, and a series of Decision Guides for the pediatric audience is nearing completion.

CCCC is a statewide collaborative of healthcare professionals, healthcare systems, long-term care facilities, hospices, government agencies, policymakers and consumers dedicated to the advancement of advance care planning, palliative medicine, and quality compassionate care for seriously ill Californians.

For more information, please contact [email protected] or 916.489.2222.