Apocalypse Too
by Timothy Gieseke MD, CMD
Treasurer and Past-President, CALTCM

As I reflect on the recent CALTCM "Propeller Learning" teaching format for our Northern California Fall CME meeting, I was struck by the apocalypse of destructive fire in Santa Rosa, with the not-so-visible but equally destructive power of diabetes in our society and facilities.  As a teacher on this subject at our annual meeting, I enjoyed the ability to change the emphasis of my presentation on the basis of our attendees’ response to what was presented. In turn, their individual responses seemed to resonate with others and generate more questions. I do believe this is the way of the future. I also believe that the best way to improve diabetes care is to challenge our workforce and patients to keep up with the many new changes in our understanding of diabetes, and what to emphasize in an individualized care plan.

As part of our initiatives for this meeting, we challenged our faculty to develop a brief resource for self-study and awareness of important ideas in their subject area.  Please see the handout I developed for more information (attached below).  

Remember, you have a responsibility to take this not-so-visible "Apocalypse" seriously.

Click here for handout.