2024 Poster Session


2024 CALTCM Poster Session
50th Annual Meeting-CALTCM Summit for Excellence: September 26-28, 2024
Meritage Resort & Spa, Napa, CA

You are invited to submit a poster abstract for the 2024 Poster Session at the upcoming CALTCM Summit for Excellence. Mentors are available to assist you with every step, from identifying your topic, to writing the abstract, doing the research, and creating the poster itself. Posters will be judged and prizes for the top three posters will be awarded during the summit.

The submission deadline for poster proposals is Friday, June 30, 2024

We are soliciting posters in the following topic areas:

  1. Clinical Research (qualitative or quantitative).
  2. Quality Improvement (process that improves care in post-acute and long-term care).
  3. Clinical Vignettes (illustrative case study).
  4. Grassroots or new approaches to challenges in LTC.

ALL health professionals who work with older adults in post-acute and long-term care are eligible.

Commercial posters are not eligible.

For more information, please contact CALTCM at [email protected].

Poster Submission Guidelines
Poster Abstract Template


A written abstract of no more than 250 words (not including title, names, and affiliations) describing your poster must be submitted by Friday, June 30, 2024. Final data does not need to be included in your abstract. All health professionals who work with residents in post-acute and long-term care are eligible. No commercial posters will be accepted. Please submit your abstract or any questions via e-mail to: [email protected].

Include the following information at the top of your abstract:

  • Title of Poster:
  • Names and Affiliations: (Include contact information)
  • Background/Objective/Research Question: State the objective(s), research question(s) or purpose of the study/project.
  • Methods/Study Design: Short description of study design or project process.
  • Results/Analysis: Provide the main outcomes, results and statistics (if used).
  • Conclusions/Interpretations: Discussion, conclusions found by the study or project.


Presenters will be notified by e-mail of acceptance and are expected to attend the conference to present their poster. One presenter, per accepted poster, will receive one free Summit registration.