Share The Wealth

By Steve Lai, MD and Tim Gieseke, MD, CMD

We are excited about the upcoming annual CALTCM meeting on April 26 and 27, 2013.  We believe those of us who work in long-term care have a passion for providing the best care possible to frail patients who often have advanced illnesses. With the annual meeting, it is a wonderful opportunity to nourish oneself by sharing your trials and tribulations with other dedicated, long-term care professionals. One of the best ways to learn best practices is by sharing your innovative work at the annual poster session at the meeting.

At last year’s meeting, it was a wonderful experience to present a poster at the meeting. Here are our top 5 reasons for submitting a poster presentation:

  1. This is an opportunity to collect and synthesize your quality improvement efforts and present a coherent approach and message for better care in nursing homes.
  2. It is a great way to network and meet many local and state experts in your area of interest.
  3. You can receive constructive feedback and bring new energy into your quality improvement project when you return home to your facility.
  4. It can lead to partnerships and QI projects on a larger scale.
  5. You deserve to be recognized for the wonderful work that you do and this is a chance to showcase it to all!

Please visit our website for the details on our Poster Program.  At CALTCM, we look forward to supporting the good work you are doing.
Remember, knowledge is power. Our patients will benefit when you “Share the Wealth”.