Caring for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Elders in the Long Term Care (LTC) Setting
by Pat Latham Bach, PsyD, RN

In 2011, the American Medical Directors Association (AMDA) took a huge step toward enhancing cultural competence by offering a conference session on a seldom noted topic -- Intimacy and Sexuality in Long Term Care. Participants discussed a variety of relevant issues, including challenges faced by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) elders considering long term care residency.

As the result of that interchange, a series of events began to unfold, culminating in the March 2012 AMDA ratification of a White Paper entitled "The Care of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Persons in the Long-Term Care Setting".

Thus, AMDA became one of the first medical organizations dedicated to long term care to create policy on this topic.  (The paper and accompanying recommendations can be viewed at

Extensive literature review suggests that research regarding the experiences and needs of LGBT seniors and their LTC providers remains minimal, at best. This likely impacts not only current and potentially, future LGBT patients, but their clinicians, administrators and other LTC stakeholders as well. Thus, the need for additional research remains robust.

In light of this situation, a brief survey has been designed regarding issues pertinent to the care of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) elders in the LTC setting. Given little empirical data to guide providers, your input would be very helpful and greatly appreciated. Participation is voluntary and anonymous, all responses will remain confidential, and completion of the survey should take less than five minutes. The survey can be accessed online at

Results and discussion will be provided in a forthcoming issue of the CALTCM WAVE, in hopes of creating enhanced and more culturally competent care for California’s LGBT seniors.