by Jay Luxenberg, MD

It’s been a while since our last app article, and now it’s time to be nice, or rather NICE. You probably recognize this as the acronym for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, the outfit the UK uses to analyze and promote best practices in medicine. They have a simply wonderful free app for both the iPhone and the Android OS, with detailed guidance on conditions and diseases, public health measures, and treatments, procedures and medical devices.

The link to all this goodness is

I urge you to explore this resource either from the web portal or from the app. It is amazingly thorough and up-to-date. True, there are some differences between medicine in the UK and the US, but they are minimal and this resource is very useful to us in spite of those differences. Apparently the hearts of UK residents are generally in the right chest cavity rather than the left, for example, so just reverse their directions and you should be fine. [Only kidding – there are no such major differences that I could detect after reviewing many of the guidances.] This is a wonderful free resource and it has worked its way up to where I store my most frequently consulted apps.