CALTCM Membership Update

by Glenn Panzer, MD

As membership chair of CALTCM, I was asked to write an article on the perks of membership.  Initially when trying to think of WIIFM (what’s in it for me) or member perks, other than discounts to conferences like the Annual Conference and Annual Quality Symposia, I was having difficulty.  I then realized that CALTCM does great things for all.

The website is free access, the wave is sent out to members, but can be forwarded to others. It also leads to a blog for discussion of the articles. Our website has easily accessible articles of previous Wave articles and quick links to multiple tools and resources like INTERACT.  It also has access to the CAPTA (Choice and Preference Toileting Assistance Program.)

The members only site, though, has an easy access to communicate with other members.  It will help us develop an on-line community of people (nurse practitioners, administrators, directors of nursing, pharmacists, medical directors, and other physicians) wishing to improve the quality of care in our nursing homes.

Being an interdisciplinary organization, we have purposely kept our membership fees low to encourage all members of the IDT to participate in our mission to improve the care and quality of life of our frail elders. Click on our web page and join us in this worthy effort.