Social Media "How-To"

CALTCM is social!  Join the conversation and receive updates on the latest news on Post-Acute/Long-Term Care on social media. You will need an account (which are free and simple to set up) with each social media platform you use.  Here’s a “How To” to get you started: 

  • Facebook: Find the CALTCM facebook page using the search box (magnifying glass icon) and click the “like” button on the CALTCM Facebook page to follow us on Facebook.  You will receive notifications in your news feed, and you can see all of our posts and join in the conversation with your comments, as well as share relevant CALTCM posts on your own facebook page.
  • Instagram: Type CALTCM in the search box (magnifying glass icon) and click the “follow” button on the CALTCM instagram page.  CALTCM has its own hashtag! You can also use #caltcm in your own instagram posts to link it to all CALTCM related posts.
  • Twitter:  Type CALTCM (click on magnifying glass icon) to locate the CALTCM twitter feed (@caltcm) and click the “follow” button to receive all of CALTCM’s tweets.  You can also tweet about CALTCM yourself by typing “@caltcm” in your own tweet and by using #caltcm.
  • Youtube: Search for CALTCM and click on the CALTCM Channel, and click the “subscribe” button.  See our videos, and we will have more to come from the Annual Meeting in April!
  • LinkedIn: Search for CALTCM and click the “follow” button to the right of the CALTCM name.  You can also add CALTCM in your own personal LinkedIn account under “Organizations” to show you are a member with CALTCM.

You can also get the word out about CALTCM by adding a link to the CALTCM website ( in your profile in your social media accounts, and within your automated email signature.