Survey: Sexuality in the Nursing Home

In a 2013 article "Boomer Sex With Dementia Foreshadowed in Nursing Home" (Bloomberg News, 7/22/2013), reporter Bryan Gruley addressed the issue of intimacy and sexuality in long term care. Members of AMDA as well as many other professionals were interviewed for this article, which received a great deal of attention and commentary, suggesting significant community interest and need for further investigation.  

First National Readmission Prevention Collaborative Summit on May 7, 2014
by Tim Gieseke MD, CMD

As Chair of Education for CALTCM and as a member of AMDA Public Policy Committee, I am amazed at the rapid transitions occurring in health care in our country.  Hospitals are shrinking, becoming more like the ICUs of the past, while nursing home post-acute care is becoming more like acute hospital ward medicine.  For the first time, partnerships and collaborations are developing between hospitals and their downstream providers.

History Made at AMDA 2014 - NPPs Gain Full Membership
by Karl Steinberg MD CMD
CALTCM Secretary


Taking their first step in the footsteps CALTCM blazed back in 2000, AMDA's House of Delegates voted by a large margin to change the bylaws to allow nurse practitioners and physician assistants (or what CMS refers to as NPPs, non-physician practitioners) to be full voting members of the organization.  While NPPs are not allowed to hold national office under the new bylaws, an NPP will be allowed to serve on the AMDA Board of Directors.  CALTCM's delegation, and my presence on AMDA's Board of Directors, played a role in bringing this important change to the national level--and while we don't think it goes far enough, it is an excellent first step. Many thanks to our delegates who served and voted at the HOD in Nashville. (See photo below.)

Are you Over-Treating Hypertension?

by Tim Gieseke MD, CMD

The new JNC 8 (Joint National Commission) guidelines for hypertension management have raised the threshold for starting medication to manage hypertension.  These evidenced based guidelines (insert link to guidelines) now recommend raising the target for treating HBP in > 60 y/o to < 150/90 rather than the previous 140/90.  In those with diabetes or CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease), the target has been raised to < 140/90 rather than < 130/80.  In this population, there is accumulating evidence for harm if the BP is too low.  These risks include dizziness, falls, and even death.

A Thank You for Excellence

by James Mittelberger, MD, CMD

I recently attended the farewell party for a leader that caused me to reflect on excellence. Remy Tibayan served 28 years as the administrator of Fruitvale Health Care Center, a nursing home in a low-income neighborhood in Oakland, CA. Surrounding her were dozens of an extraordinarily diverse, tearful staff -- immigrants from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin American with many from local neighborhoods.  Singing and crying together, we had forged powerful and personal bonds of love and respect in dedication to a shared mission. Many had been together for decades.

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