On November 11, 2022, the OIG (Office of Inspector General) released a report on the Long-Term Trends of Psychotropic Drug Use in NH. From the years 2011-2019, the use of antipsychotic medications declined from 31% to 22%, while the use of anticonvulsants increased from 28% to 40%. In 2015, CMS began using the long-stay quality measure that tracks MDS reported antipsychotic use in the NH in its Nursing Home Five-Star Quality Rating System calculations. Between 2015-2019, the number of NH residents reported as having schizophrenia increased 35%. Additionally over this time, the number of residents reported as having schizophrenia but lacking a corresponding diagnosis in the Medicare claims and encounter data increased by 194%. A small fraction of US nursing homes (99) had particularly high levels of MDS reporting of Schizophrenia (> 20% of their residents) w/o corresponding preceding diagnosis in Medicare’s database.