Meet Dr. Karl Steinberg
Interview with Dr. Steinberg:

CALTCM: What is your training background, practice setting and how many years have you been in practice?
Dr. Steinberg: Bachelor’s in biochemistry from Harvard, med school at Ohio State, family medicine residency at 
UCSD, finished in 1990.  Started a SNF Team in my medical group in the early ‘90s and did half office, half SNF
for several years, then full-time SNF for about 10 years.  In 2014 started as CMO for Shea Family Health, an El
Cajon-based small nursing home chain and post-acute care provider.  Also a nursing home and hospice medical
director since 1995, and I do a lot of boards, committees, consulting, and medicolegal work (expert testimony, etc.)
CALTCM:  What are you passionate about in long term care?  How are you pursuing your passion?
Dr. Steinberg:  Other than just being very fond of elderly people in general, I am passionate about 
helping people understand their options for treatment, and helping them get the care they want to
get—and not get the care they don’t want to get.  A lot of this centers around advance care planning
and palliative care.  I am pursuing this by being active in the Compassionate Care Coalition of
California and other organizations dedicated to education, promotion and engagement around
advance care planning, chronic disease management, and palliative care before the end of life
as well as through the trajectory of illness.

CALTCM:  What advice would you give to a new graduate contemplating a career in long term care?
Dr. Steinberg:  Do it.  We need you!  It’s not the most glorious or sexy of specialties, but it is very 
rewarding.  And it is very much appreciated by those we serve, and the other professionals we work with.
CALTCM:  What additional training do you wish you had that may help with your current practice?
Dr. Steinberg:  Maybe more in the line of business and economics.
CALTCM:  How has CALTCM impacted your practice?
Dr. Steinberg:  It’s been my home base for professional relationships and education for over 20 years, 
and most importantly, it is where I feel most comfortable with like-minded professionals who care about
the same things I do, and treasure our special work with some of the most vulnerable of patients in the
health care spectrum.